Martin Krenn & Aisling O’Beirn (eds.)
Restaging the Object: A Participatory Exploration of Long Kesh/Maze Prison. With contributions by Martin Krenn & Aisling O’Beirn, Laura McAtackney, Suzana Milevska & Peter Mutschler and the project participants Simon Bridge, Phil Holland, David Stitt, The 50+Group under the umbrella of Tar Anall, the Eileen Hickey Irish Republican History Museum, the Roddy McCorley Society Museum, the Andy Tyrie Interpretative Centre, as well as a number of contributors who prefer to remain anonymous. Design by Keith Connolly, Tonic Design, Belfast
Edited by Martin Krenn & Aisling O’Beirn
170 x 225 mm
256 pages
Two paper stocks
Full color throughout
Sewn in sections
ISBN 978-3-9818635-6-7
Published by K. Verlag
This publication ensues from the research project TRACES – Transmitting Contentious Cultural Heritages with the Arts. From Intervention to Co-production, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under grant agreement No 693857. Ulster University is a partner in the TRACES project. The publication also received funding from the Art and Design Research Unit at Ulster University.