Democracy and Welfare for All (2009)

Democracy and Welfare for All is a project by Martin Krenn realised in cooperation with Sozialfachausschuss der Pfarre Auwiesen, Radio Fro 105,0 MHZ and Stadtwerkstatt Linz. Content-related support was provided by maiz – Autonomous centre for and with Migrant Women.
Realised in the frame of the Festival of Regions 2009, a social intervention is carried out through opinion collections, a public event and billboards.

Democracy and Welfare for All tries to draw residents‘ attention to questions of public interest by means of activist performance. Parallel to the conduction of a participatory group performance, a photo version of the event is developed and put on posters.

Three types of postcards invite to join the event “Gathering in Auwiesen: Discussion panel about poverty, basic income & equal rights for everyone“.

Some statements:

What if you and all other people living in your country received an unconditionally granted Basic Income of 1000 euro a month from the state?

“I would look for a job for about 20 to 30 hours a week which allows me to be active in a sustainable way (economically, ecologically, socially-minded). Best wishes.”
Scharli, 38

“… then I could live in the lap of luxury…”

“I think that this would not be a solution because there would no longer be any professional demands. There would be a deterioration in the educational and economic system, and standstill everywhere. Nobody would really put effort into anything anymore.”
M. U., 60

I would welcome it! In my opinion, everyone, by having been born on this earth as a human being, is entitled to shelter, a warm once a day and decent clothing. Earth is created rich in goodness and affluence. Which human being has the right to arbitrarily divide up its divine gifts?! To force people to work for a pittance so that certain few families have more and more at their disposal?! What do we want an economy for when nobody can afford to buy anything? An unconditional basic income is the best solution for the economic crisis!
Bonos, 54

What if you and other people living in your country achieved equal rights?

“Justice, satisfaction, more equality among values.”
Martin Reidinger

“Then everything would go equally well or equally badly for everyone?!”

“That would be absolutely necessary.”
Mittendorfer Josef

What if you and everyone else, no matter where they were born, could choose by their own free will where on world they wanted to live and work?

“Affluence would be distributed more evenly.”
Paul, 28

“That’s the way things were. And the successful ones called themselves chiefs and built borders around their riches.”
Lukas the 27th

“At the moment, with the prevailing injustice in the world, that would result in quite a muddle — lots more migration; politics and society would simply be overtaxed! If there was just distribution worldwide, almost nobody would move away from home.”
Rainer, 27