On the tectonics of history, exhibition tour (2005 - 2009) The exhibition exposes the historical traces of the Nazi era in the 1930s and 1940s. Forum Stadtpark, Graz, Austria; In cooperation with Andrea Domesle and with local curators; Faculty of Art and Design of Jan Evangelista Purkyne University/Emil Filla Gallery; Usti nad Labem, Czech republic, WYSPA Institute of Art, Wyspa Progress Foundation, Gdansk, Poland; Motorenhalle – Projektzentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Dresden, Germany; ISCP, New York, USA. [more]
Normality in [the] Crisis (2009) Options for radical art practices in heterogeneous social space; A symposium by the Festival of Regions 09 - Normality at the Subversive Fair in Linz; with Alejandra Aravena, Marina Gržinić, Ruth Noack, Gerald Raunig, Dmitry Vilensky and Stephen Wright; Moderation of the final panel: Stefan Nowotny; Linz, Austria. [more]
Zone 2005 (2005) Between political representation and representative politics; The exhibition is discussing and criticizing the official politics of Nazi-history in Austria after 1945; In cooperation with Petja Dimitrova, Luisa Ziaja, Galerie IG BILDENDE KUNST; Vienna, Austria. [more]
Arbeiten gegen Rassismen (2005) Poster series, which discusses racism in public space, artists/activists: Ljubomir Bratic / Richard Ferkl, Petja Dimitrova, Klub Zwei (Simone Bader, Jo Schmeiser), Anna Kowalska, Martin Krenn, Schwarze Frauen Community; Vienna, Austria. [more]